

正因为如此,联邦政府於五十多年前推出註册退休储蓄计划 (RRSP),旨在鼓励加拿大人为退休生活计划及储蓄,不要完全倚赖公共退休金计划。

最基本的是,RRSP 帐户里的投资增长可以延税,意思是您不需要即时缴税。帐户内的资本增值,赚取的所有利息或股息可以免税的複式增长。只有当您提取RRSP帐户里的资金时才要交税。

您每年对RRSP所做的每一元供款,都可以扣减收入的。例如:您当年的收入是$50,000, 您向RRSP供款$5,000, 因为RRSP供款是可以扣减收入,所以您当年的收入在扣减之后就是$45,000。

您的RRSP账户可以用于各类不同的投资渠道,如股票,期权,债券,互惠基金基金,定存和一些有管理的投资(例如REITs、抵押担保票据等等)。基于RRSP的上述特性,RRSP的投资人应该将投资重点放在资产类别的配置,从而减少短期走势波动的影响,更不是寻找所谓的明牌,黑马作为投资的标准。长期投资的绩效是由投资组合(asset allocation)决定,很少或是几乎不可能有人能在不断改变的市场和经济循环中准确预测市场方向。并不是否定短期的投资机会,但它并不适合RRSP计划的长期投资的特性。将这类机会用在TFSA或是开放/现金投资账户会更加有效率。




1.首次置业计划First Time Home Buyer’s Plan


2.终身学习计划 Lifelong Learning Plan



允许夫妻中收入高的一方为低收入或没有收入的配偶买配偶RRSP。配偶RRSP的供款,是受高收入一方的供款额度限制,是扣减高收入(供款)配偶收入。当提取RRSP时,配偶RRSP账户里的钱,是作为低收入或无收入的一方的收入,从而是平衡了夫妻两人的收入,达到省税效果。夫妻双方的任何一方可用自己的RRSP限额给对方买RRSP。但是,任何一方在2年内从配偶RRSP提款, 被视为另一方的收入而要交税。


倘若阁下像典型的加拿大人,您大概会等到RRSP 季节,也就是每年的头两个月,才会向RRSP帐户供款。然而,在短时间内要凑足供款金额是一件难事,尤其是不少人仍在支付假期所花费的帐单。 与其如此,倒不如请教您的理财顾问是否有需要建立预先授权支票计划 (Pre-authorized Chequing Plan, PAC)。此项简单的投资策略能让您定期用固定的金额购买互惠基金,购买频率可设定为每星期,每个月,或者是每个季度。每月固定供款金额最低从$25起,此计划会自动从您的个人银行帐户中扣掉固定金额,将其转入RRSP帐户投资。

平均成本策略:预先授权支票计划(PAC) 所带来的额外益处

採用定期定額供款到註冊退休儲蓄計劃,能硬性規定您將儲采用定期定额供款到註册退休储蓄计划,能硬性规定您将储蓄视为首要之务。长期来说,储蓄金额将会不断增长。每个月定期定额投资能获得 「平均成本」的益处。采用平均成本策略让您能够循序渐进地在市场中投资,在价格低时买进较多单位,在价格高时买进的单位即较少。在熊市期间,许多投资者都会等到市场明显出现熊市已近尾声的徵兆後,才将资金注入市场,如此一来,这些投资者就将错失市场第一波反弹的大好机会。而当市场处於牛市时,采用平均成本策略能够防止投资者在市场高峰大举买进

将 RRSP 供款儘量提高



  1. 每年前两个月买的RRSP默认是在上一年抵扣的,所以最好等到每年的三月份再开始买RRSP。注意每年的可使用额度, 额度是每年会调整,也可以累积的。(2017年的额度是$26,010)。加拿大国税局(CRA)有明确规定额外供款的上限是$2,000/人,超过的部分将会有每个月1%的惩罚。
  1. 不是每个人都适合购买RRSP。要看自己的收入类型和多寡,如果当年度的累进税阶是最低的,而工资有可预期的成长性,那就可以考虑累积RRSP的额度,留到在收入较高,累进税阶较高的年度使用。

结合免税储蓄账户TFSA,教育基金RESP,以及注重在资产增值(Capital Gain)开放/现金投资账户(Open Account)的投资组合来优化增长,降低风险和减少税务支出。

As with any investment, there are risks to investing in mutual funds or pools. There is no assurance that any mutual fund or pool will achieve its investment objective, and its net asset value, yield, and investment return will fluctuate from time to time with market conditions. Mutual funds or pools are not guaranteed; their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Investors will pay management fees and expenses, and may pay commissions and trailing commissions and may experience a gain or loss when they sell their units in any mutual fund or pool. Mutual funds or pools are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer.

The indicated rates of return in this communication are historical annual compound total returns including changes in unit value and the reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution, optional charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns.

A return of capital reduces an investor’s adjusted cost base. Capital gains taxes are deferred until units are sold or until the ACB goes below zero. Investors should not confuse this cash-flow distribution with a fund’s rate of return or yield. While investors in Series T8/S8/I8 and/or T5/S5/I5 will be able to defer some personal capital gains, they must still pay tax on capital gains distributions that arise from the sale of individual holdings by fund managers, and on interest and dividend distributions. T-SWP will also pay a distribution that must be reinvested in December, consisting of income and capital gains.

2’SUCCEED offers Consulting services, Tax and Accounting services, Financial Planning and mutual funds investment activities, and mutual funds investment is offered through Amerity Wealth Management.  Mutual fund investments may be associated with commission charges, services fees or trailing commissions, management fees and expenses. Before investing, an investor is advised to read the simplified prospectus or Fund Facts carefully. The value of mutual funds may fluctuate frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Mutual funds are not guaranteed and are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer. There can be no assurances that the fund will be able to maintain its net asset value per security at a constant amount or that the full amount of your investment in the fund will be returned. The extent of the risk involved is a determination to be made by each purchaser and will vary depending on the circumstances of the purchaser and the funds invested, and purchases are subject to suitability requirements. Please discuss the risks associated with mutual fund investments with a mutual fund representative before investing.

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